
Hey! I'm a student at Brown studying Computer Science and Mathematics. I am particularly interested in software design and machine learning, and the challenges faced at the intersection of the two.

I've been a TA for both undergraduate and graduate computer science courses at Brown, covering material ranging from introductory programming to advanced cybersecurity. In the fall, I work as a Head TA coordinating a staff of UTAs and a class of ~200 students. I am passionate about the importance of peer education and the role TAs can play in fostering an inclusive learning environment.

I have some previous industry experience as a software engineer intern at Sharp Notions and Paidly. The small team sizes and fast-paced environments at these companies gave me the opportunity and resources to work on a variety of projects. This summer I am working as a mobile development intern at BillMax and a research assistant for Brown Unveristy Professor and New York Time's Best Seller Emily Oster, developing Zelma AI!

Please feel free to reach me at Here are my email, github, linkedin, and instagram.