Hey! I'm a student at Brown studying Computer Science and Mathematics. I am particularly interested in software design and machine learning, and the challenges faced at the intersection of the two.
I've been a TA for both undergraduate and graduate computer science courses at Brown, covering material ranging from introductory programming to advanced cybersecurity. In the fall, I work as a Head TA coordinating a staff of UTAs and a class of ~200 students. I am passionate about the importance of peer education and the role TAs can play in fostering an inclusive learning environment.
I have some previous industry experience as a software engineer intern at Sharp Notions and Paidly. The small team sizes and fast-paced environments at these companies gave me the opportunity and resources to work on a variety of projects. This summer I am working as a mobile development intern at BillMax and a research assistant for Brown Unveristy Professor and New York Time's Best Seller Emily Oster, developing Zelma AI!
Please feel free to reach me at john_farrell@brown.edu. Here are my email, github