Graph Algorithms

This is a review of popular graphing algorithms and problem solving graph traversals. Below includes: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Topological Sort, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Cycle Detection. Common traversal algorithms such as Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) are also indirectly covered, and also included in my A* post.

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Dijksta’s algorithm is a Breadth First Search algorithm used to find the shortest path between any two nodes in a graph with weighted edges. The main difference between standard BFS and Dijkstra’s is Dijkstra’s use of a priority queue (or min heap). BFS uses a queue to traverse a graph, finding the shortest path without accounting for edge weights.

A Breadth First Search Algorithm is a graph traversal algorithm that explores all nodes of the current layer before moving to a further layer.

A great LeetCode question to practice Dijkstra’s is 743. Network Delay Time. The problem statement asks to find the minimum time to reach all nodes, if possible, given a set of directed edges and their times (weights). We use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find this minimum time.

First, it is important to understand the graph representation. Different problems give different representations of graphs. This problem gives a list of tuples, meant to represent edges. Some problems give a 2D array, list[list], meant to represent a grid of values. Others have Node and Edge classes. Understanding the graph representation is key to solving any graphing problem.

The first step is to create an adjacency list. An adjacency list is a map of lists, where the key is the node and the value is a list of neighbors. For this problem, the value will be a tuple of both the neighbor node and weight to reach the neighbor.

def networkDelayTime(self, times: List[List[int]], n: int, k: int) -> int:
    adj = defaultdict(list) # adjacency list
    for u, v, w in times: # u -> v with weight w
        adj[u].append((v, w))

In our min heap, we will want to keep track of both the total time to reach a node and the node itself. This will allow us to prioritize searching the shortest path first. We will also want to keep track of the total time to reach each node. We can do this with a dist dictionary. Then, we can initialize our min heap to start at the k node and have a time of 0.

    distances = [0] * n # n = number of nodes
    min_heap = [(0, k)] # (time, node)

At each step of our search, we will:

  1. Pop the minimum from the heap.
  2. Check if we have already visited this node (common for BFS). We want to check this not only to stop cycles, but also because as soon as we pull a node from the min heap, we know that that distance is the absolute minimum, and therefore have found the minimum distance from the starting node to the current node. There is no need to ever go back to this node.
  3. Update the distance to reach this node, as it is the minimum distance from the starting node to this current node.
  4. Add the neighbors of this node to the heap as a tuple, including the total time to get to this node’s neighbor.
    while min_heap:
        # we know this weight is the min weight from this node
        #   from starting node IF it is not visited
        weight, node = heapq.heappop(min_heap)
        if node in visited: continue
        distance[node - 1] = weight # nodes are 1-indexed in this problem
        for nei_weight, nei_node in adj[node]:
            if nei_node not in visited: # small optimization
                # push total weight to reach this node from starting node
                heapq.heappush((weight + nei_weight, nei_node))

Now we have a distance list that includes the minimum distance to reach any node from the starting node! For the sake of this problem we want to return the maximum distance in this list, if all nodes were successfully visited. It is possible a node is disconnected and couldn’t be visited from the starting edge. In that case, the problem asks us to return -1.

    return max(distance) if len(visited) == n else -1

This is a complete use of Dijkstra’s, although a complete use is not the most efficient for this problem. There is no need for us to store the distance to every node in this problem, as we just want the max. Therefore, we can modify the solution as follows:

    def networkDelayTime(self, times: List[List[int]], n: int, k: int) -> int:
        adj = defaultdict(list)
        for u,v,w in times:

        max_distance = 0 # this was distance = [0] * n
        min_heap = [(0,k)] # time, node
        visited = set()
        while min_heap:
            time, node = heapq.heappop(min_heap)
            if node in visited:
            max_distance = max(time, max_distance) # this was distance[node - 1] = time
            for weight, neighbor in adj[node]:
                if neighbor not in visited:
                    heapq.heappush(min_heap, (weight + time, neighbor))
        return max_distance if len(visited) == n else -1

Big-O analysis of Dijkstra’s Algorithm:

  • Let EE be the number of edges and VV be the number of vertices.
  • The maximum number of edges we can have is about V2V^2. This is because every node can connect to every other node. So for node 1, it can have N1N-1 edges, node 2 can have N1N-1 edges, and so on. This is V(V1)V2V * (V-1) \approx V^2.
  • The maximum size of our min heap is V2V^2 because we can have V2V^2 edges, and the VV nodes can repeat in the heap.
  • Because the maximum size of our min heap is V2V^2, the max time complexity to add to the heap is O(logV2)=O(2logV)=O(logV)O(\log V^2) = O(2 \log V) = O(\log V).
  • We can add at most V2V^2 edges to the heap, so the worst-case time complexity is O(V2logV)O(V^2 \log V) for a dense graph. On average, the time complexity is O((V+E)logV)O((V + E) \log V), because we are either adding or removing from the heap V+EV + E times.
  • The space complexity is O(V)O(V), because we store the distance to each node.

Grid Traversal with Dijkstra’s

Let’s take a look at one more problem that can be solved using Dijkstra’s. While the last problem used an adjacency list, this problem involves a grid. We will see how Dijkstra’s works the same, just the traversal pattern differs between the two graph representations.

The goal of 778. Swim in Rising Water is to find the least time to swim from the top left to the bottom right of the grid. The water rises at a rate t, and the elevation at every point is given. To swim from on point on the grid to another, we must wait for the water to rise to the given elevation. While this may seem complicated at first (and the LeetCode problem statement gives a better description than I do), the problem is really asking for the cheapest path from start to end. The cost is determined by the elevation and how long we would have to wait for the water to rise to go somewhere. To find the cheapest path, we will use Dijkstra’s algorithm.

To start, we will define our min heap and structure to track the cheapest path at each point. While in the last problem we initialized an array to maintain the cheapest paths, we will use a dictionary for this problem. The dictionary will serve as our visited set as well! The min heap is a tuple containing both the cost to travel to the coordinate and the coordinate itself on the grid.

def swimInWater(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
    N = len(grid)
    min_heap = [(grid[0][0], 0, 0)] # cost, i, j
    cheapest = {}

Next, we will continue popping from the min heap until it is emptyk. For each point we pop, we will add it to the cheapest dictionary, if not already in cheapest. We are guarenteed the popped element, if not in cheapest, will be the cheapest possible path because the min heap prioritizes minimum path. Therefore, we want to next add all adjacent points and their costs if on the grid and not in cheapest already.

    while min_heap:
        cost, i, j = heapq.heappop(min_heap)
        if (i,j) in cheapest: continue
        cheapest[(i,j)] = cost
        if i-1 >= 0 and (i-1,j) not in cheapest:
            heapq.heappush(min_heap, (max(cost, grid[i-1][j]), i-1, j))
        if i+1 < N and (i+1,j) not in cheapest:
            heapq.heappush(min_heap, (max(cost, grid[i+1][j]), i+1, j))
        if j-1 >= 0 and (i,j-1) not in cheapest:
            heapq.heappush(min_heap, (max(cost, grid[i][j-1]), i, j-1))
        if j+1 < N and (i,j+1) not in cheapest:
            heapq.heappush(min_heap, (max(cost, grid[i][j+1]), i, j+1))

Finally, now that we have filled cheapest, we just want to return the bottom right point’s cheapest path!

    return cheapest[(N-1, N-1)]

Big-O analysis of Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Grid Traversal:

  • Let NN be the number of coordinates in our grid. Then, we know the number of edges we have is 4N\sim 4 \cdot N.
  • We know our heap will have in the worst case, every edge, and therefore adding an element to the min heap will cost log(4N)logN\sim \log{(4 \cdot N)} \rightarrow \log N
  • Because we can add every possible edge, the worst-case time complexity is O(4NlogN)=O(NlogN)O(4N \log N) = O(N \log N).
  • The sapce complexity is O(N)O(N) because we store the cheapest path to each node, and the min heap can have at most 4N4 \cdot N elements.

Prim’s Algorithm

Prim’s Algorithm is a Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm, connecting all nodes in a graph with a minimum total edge weight. As we will see, the solution is greedy and similar to Dijkstra’s in that we use a min heap to prioritize cheapest paths.

The problem 1584. Min Cost to Connect All Points asks us to find the minimum cost to connect all points on a plotted graph. We connect the points using the manhatten distance between them: X1X2+Y1Y2|X_1 - X_2| + |Y_1 - Y_2|.

First, we want to create a graph representation of these points by creating an adjacency graph. We will create an edge between every pair of points. Let’s let NN represent the number of points we have. We will loop through NN once, and for every ii in 0,...,N10, ..., N-1, we will loop through i+1i+1 to NN, giving us a jj. We will add points[i] to points[j]’s neighbors and vice versa. Therefore, after i=0i = 0 and j=[1,...N1]j = [1, ... N - 1], we will have an edge from points[0] to every other point, and do not have to revisit it in our loop.

Now that we have our adjacency list, we can initialize our traversal data structures. We will maintain a visited list, so we don’t go back to the same node twice. Similar to Dijkstra’s, will use a min heap to prioritize the cheapest path to any node. The min heap will include cost and coordinate tuples.

def minCostConnectPoints(self, points: List[List[int]]) -> int:
    N = len(points)
    if N == 1: return 0
    adj = defaultdict(list) # adjacency list
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(i+1,N):

Here is the pattern for our traversal:

  1. Check if the heap is empty. If empty, we are finished.
  2. Pop from the top of the heap. If node is in visited, continue. The popped element is the cheapest path from the starting node to the current node. This is important to understand: the path is not the cheapest path from any node to the current element, just the cheapest from a given node. It makes more sense when you consider the starting scenario:
    • Suppose we are starting the algorithm. Our min heap will just have the first coordinate and a cost of 0 (it costs nothing to travel to the first node). We pop this element and add it to the visited list. We do not want to visit it again because that would cause a cycle and we will add every possible outgoing edge to the min heap. On the next iteration, we have to choose an edge to connect our first node to another node, even if it isn’t the cheapest way to reach that given node. The other edges stay in the min heap, as it is possible we have two cheapest outgoing edges from the first node.
  3. Add the neighbors and the outgoing edge cost (manhattan distance) to the min heap.

In addition, we will maintain a total cost as we go through this loop.

    total = 0
    visited = set()
    min_heap = [(0, 0)]
    while min_heap:
        distance, i = heapq.heappop(min_heap)
        if i in visited: continue
        total += distance
        for j in adj[i]:
            if j in visited: continue
            distance = abs(points[i][0] - points[j][0]) + abs(points[i][1] - points[j][1])
            heapq.heappush(min_heap, (distance, j))

Finally we return the total.

    return total

Big-O analysis of Prim’s Algorithm:

  • Let NN be the number of points in our graph.
  • We have NN points, and for each point, we have N1N-1 edges. Therefore, the number of edges is N(N1)N2N \cdot (N-1) \approx N^2.
  • The maximum size of our min heap is N2N^2 because we can have N2N^2 edges, and every edge could appear in the heap.
  • Because the maximum size of our min heap is N2N^2, the max time complexity to add to the heap is O(logN2)=O(2logN)=O(logN)O(\log N^2) = O(2 \log N) = O(\log N).
  • We can add at most N2N^2 edges to the heap, so the worst-case time complexity is O(N2logN)O(N^2 \log N) for a dense graph. In our case, the graph will be dense because every point is connected to every other point.
  • The space complexity is O(N)O(N), because we store the distance to each node.

Topological Sort (Kahn’s Algorithm)

The goal of topological sort is to get a linear ordering of nodes from a graph, such that every directed edge from uvu \rightarrow v, uu comes before vv in ordering. That is, the start of the ordering is with nodes that have no incoming edges, and next comes nodes that only have incoming edges from the outcoming edges of the starting nodes. Therefore, topological sort cannot have cycles, and will detect cycles. From the wiki: “Precisely, a topological sort is a graph traversal in which each node v is visited only after all its dependencies are visited.” While topological sort can be done with DFS, this will cover Kahn’s Algorithm, a BFS solution to topological sort.

A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a directed graph with no directed cycles. Topological Sort only works with DAGs, and even disonnected DAGs with some algorithms.

DFS Solution Overview

I will quickly cover the depth-first search solution to topological sort, although I believe it is less intuitive. It involves calling a recursive function on each node in a graph. The recursive function has base cases to check if the node has already been visited, or a cycle exists. A node is only marked as visited once all its children are visited. To detect a cycle, a second visited list exists. The node is added to this second visited list before recursively calling the function on all its neighbors. Therefore, if a neighbors’ neighbor leads to the original node, we can flag a cycle. After recursively calling the function on all its neighbors, we know all the outgoing edges are visited for this node, and we prepend this node to our result list. Prepending also allows us to guarentee a correct order, because we can start at any node. For example, if we start with a node with ingoing and outgoing edges, it will not be prepended until all outgoing edges have been visited - therefore, all the outgoing edges will be prepended before the parent is prepended. If we start with a node that has no ingoing edges, we are guarenteed a correct order because all children of this node will be prepended before it is prepended. Anything else we call the recursive function on will either already be prepended or also not have any ingoing edges.

Prepend means to add to the head (start) of a list.

If you are interested, here is the wiki pseudocode.
L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted nodes
while exists nodes without a permanent mark do
    select an unmarked node n

function visit(node n)
if n has a permanent mark then
if n has a temporary mark then
stop (graph has at least one cycle)

    mark n with a temporary mark

    for each node m with an edge from n to m do

    mark n with a permanent mark
    add n to head of L

It should be noted that this algorithm won’t work with disonnected DAGs. The time complexity for this algorithm is O(N)O(N) because we only visit each node at most once.

Kahn’s Algorithm

Kahn’s Algorithm is a BFS solution to topological sort. The algorithm utilizes a set to keep track of all nodes with no incoming edges. This set must be initialized with, then is looped through until empty. For each node in the set, add it the result and remove all outgoing edges and add the neighbors who no longer have any incoming edges. If the set is empty and the loop concludes, but the graph still has edges, a cycle has been detected.

A wonderful LeetCode question to practice Kahn’s is 207. Course Schedule. The problem statement asks us to determine if we can take all the courses given the set of prerequisites. If we can create a topological ordering of the courses, we can take all courses. Moreover, we can take all courses as long as there isn’t a cycle in the prerequisites, and topological sort can be used to detect cycles.

To start, we will define an adjacency list of courses and their prerequisites. When creating this list, we will keep track of which courses that have no prereqs. This is where we will want to start our topological ordering.

def canFinish(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
    adj = { course: [] for course in range(numCourses) }
    ingoing = { course: 0 for course in range(numCourses) }
    no_prereqs = set(list(range(numCourses)))
    for course, prereq in prerequisites:
        if course in no_prereqs:
        if course not in adj[prereq]:
            ingoing[course] += 1

Then, we can continue with topological sorting, starting with courses that have no prereqs. We will continually update courses by removing the given prereq. By the time we are done, there should be no edges left in our graph. If there are edges left, that means we found a scenario where we couldn’t remove all the prereq dependencies, and the is a cycle. In this case we return false.

    while no_prereqs:
        copy = list(no_prereqs)
        no_prereqs = set()
        for course in copy:
            for course_2 in adj[course]:
                ingoing[course_2] -= 1
                if ingoing[course_2] == 0:
    return sum(list(ingoing.values())) == 0

To expand upon this, we can solve 210. Course Schedule II, which doesn’t just ask us if we can take all the courses, but the order in which we should take them. This is a perfect example where the topological ordering is necessary to solve the problem. In Course Scedule I, we were more interested in the existence of a cycle, and not the order of the courses. Furthermore, a cycle detection specific algorithm will be covered for Course Schedule I in a later section.

We will see that Course Schedule II only requires a small modification of the Course Schedule I solution above. The solution above doesn’t track a topological ordering, but does sort topologically. We simple have to add a list to track the ordering.

def findOrder(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
    adj = { course: [] for course in range(numCourses) }
    ingoing = { course: 0 for course in range(numCourses) }
    no_prereqs = set(list(range(numCourses)))
    for course, prereq in prerequisites:
        if course in no_prereqs:
        if course not in adj[prereq]:
            ingoing[course] += 1
    output = [] # topological ordering
    while no_prereqs:
        copy = list(no_prereqs)
        output += copy # add all current courses with no prereqs in any order
        no_prereqs = set()
        for course in copy:
            for course_2 in adj[course]:
                ingoing[course_2] -= 1
                if ingoing[course_2] == 0:
    return output

Big-O analysis of Kahn’s Algorithm:

The time complexity of Kahn’s is O(V+E)O(V + E) because we visit each node and edge once. The space complexity is O(V)O(V) because we store the result and the set of nodes with no incoming edges.

Cycle Detection

Going back to 207. Course Schedule, we can create a more intuitive solution by using a cycle detection specific algorithm instead Kahn’s Algorithm. I will cover a DFS graph cycle detection algorithm. We will again create an adjacency list of prerequisites to every course.

def canFinish(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
    adj = { course: set() for course in range(numCourses) }
    for course, prereq in prerequisites:

Then, we will recursively search through every course until we have reached the final prereq with no other prereqs. If we reach a node we have already visited, we will enter a loop. In this case, we will return false. We will simply define a function cycle to check for a cycle and call it on every possible course.

    visited = set()
    def cycle(course):
        if course in visited:
            return True
        for prereq in adj[course]:
            if cycle(prereq):
                return True
        return False
    for course in range(numCourses):
        if cycle(course):
            return False
    return True

Big-O Analysis of Cycle Detection

  • Let NN be the number of courses. Let EE be the number of edges in our graph (prerequisites).
  • Our time complexity is O(NE)O(N*E) because it is possible we visit every prerequisite for every course. There is repeated work that could be simplified in a later solution. A better solution would involve keeping track of courses without a cycle during a recursive function call, rather than just the root. For example, if we have the prereq graph A->B->C->D, when we call cycle(A), we will also find out that cycle(B), …, cycle(D), and can store those in a set. The appended solution is below, and has a time complexity of O(E)O(E) because we only every visit each edge once.
  • Our space complexity is O(E)O(E) because we store every edge in our adjacency list.

O(E)O(E) Cycle Detection

We simply add a checked set to keep track of the solution to inner recursive function calls and avoid repeated work.

def canFinish(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
    adj = { course: set() for course in range(numCourses) }
    for course, prereq in prerequisites:
    visited = set()
    checked = set()
    def cycle(course):
        if course in visited:
            return True
        for prereq in adj[course]:
            if course not in checked:
                if cycle(prereq):
                    return True
        return False
    for course in range(numCourses):
        if course not in checked:
            if cycle(course):
                return False
    return True